Dangers for Honeybees

Beekeeping in Africa

Westafrican honeybees at the entrance of the hive. African bees are very productive but many races are very aggressive as well.

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Photo: Ole Hertz

In the African climate the bees can survive in the open even if the swarm is hanging from a branch of a big tree. afrika-3.gif (59127 bytes)
There are more races of honeybees.

Africa is the largest area where Apis mellifera original lived. The borderlines between the different races are not well known.

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Loghives hanging from a tree in Tanzania Beekeeping has a very long tradition in Africa. afrika-5.gif (75041 bytes)
Photo: Ole Hertz
Beehives can be made of many different materials and in different shapes. Hives can easily be made of local materials. afrika-7.gif (39852 bytes)

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The Danish Beekeepers Association
Mų¬¬evej 15, DK-4140 Borup. Denmark
Ph. +45 57 56 17 57 Fax +45 57 56 17 03
E-mail: dbf@biavl.dk Homepage: www.biavl.dk