Changes done in new software! 2003/10/15
Expanded some fields to capture more text.
Made it possible to edit queen lines.
Lines on queen screen not shown in full lengths will be shown full in hints.
Changed the appearance of screens so that if a new bee year starts, the
first screen will be the import of previous bee year.
The import screen now shows hives instead of queens.
When running the queen entry screen more than once, the Combo box drop down
lists got cleared. This was an error and is now fixed.
The grouping of hives is removed from the Auto create hives screen, but is still
active from quick entry.
On quick entry the default structure button is removed. It had no useful
If no structure is present the English will be loaded. Fields will be in
selected language but groups must be renamed separately from structure editor.
Both the search and filter structure editor.
Please see the hive number as a index number needed to get the
database to work. If you want to give your hives a number then mark the bottom
board, because all the other parts of the hive can be shifted around so that the
number can be placed on wrong hive.
You will have three choices for updating the software.
1. a zip file You have to extract yourself beekeepinghivenoteonlyexe.zip
on Apimo
2. an install issue of the same beekeepinghivenoteonlyexe.exe
on Apimo
3. a zip file You have to extract yourself beekeepinghivenoteonlyexe.zip
on TDC