This page displays an up-to-date listing of
changes to our customer support web. We'll also place notices here regarding
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all customers. When bugs reported by our customers get fixed, we'll place a
notice here, along with an estimate of when the fix will be shipped.
Bidata now up to Scandinavian (and many other) Standards. The
2004 edition includes the following :
- Queen breeder Register card (build on the Swedish queen register card)
with dropdown lists for a lot of stuff.
- Index calculation on hives can give a help to determine, which hives to
keep. It also gives access to a graphic show of hives that gives a visual
sight to compare from..
- Disease form with dropdown lists for diseases, treatment and control.
- the forms have changed to tabbed notebook format to get a better
- Number of frames in a hive is now reflected when you enter a new
- Multi-selection of hives to handle. means that you only have to e.g. enter
disease treatment ones and then by accepting the entries, add to all
selected hives. This also goes for data entries to hives and some of the
hive manipulations. To multi-select use Ctrl + mouse-click.
- Hives in a yard can be additional grouped. Such as identified by placement
on e.g. pallets. If grouped the hives will be kept together. Hives can
also be marked colored, so that it is easy to spot a hive on the screen.
E.g. a hive you must follow, or a group of hives to visual make it more easy
to spot on the screen.
- dial up your queen breeder from within software
- You can let the software create the first records for all your families
and at the same time group them.
- Barcodes to identify your hives with can be created and put on Avery
labels or printed out on letter paper. the barcodes will contain visual
information on hive and queen too.
- The palm OS software now also support scanning of hive labels to place you
on the correct record on the Palm OS compatible Handheld device.
- backup of data added. If you use this facility when leaving the software,
you will have the ability to restore data after an eventually power failure.
- The manual is again in the archive but see it just as a guideline, the
help is updated and much more instructive.
- Pollen database software included. Add your own pictures and
- The software is free for use up to 10
hives and will not expire.
- Added a professional table repair software. Repairs your database if
errors occurs. You will find it in a separate directory called tools
- Fixed bugs related to the normal hive-note interface. (table not editable
and other not functional) problems)
- Added an Accounting part suitable for a small company.
- All facilities now in one big package and the package is a true windows
- Accounting help file is now in English, French, Dutch and Russian
- added a button to Clear custom setup for Grids.
- added a queen connected queen breeder time table
- Made a full bug fixed version.
- Opened the Bidata for unlimited use in new version, for a period of 30
days see more
- Pollen database removed. You can download it separate.
- Barcode support now fixed (07-03-2003) I got a barcode reader to test it.
- Removed the accounting part. What's up
- Removed the pollen database part, and made the pollendatabase totally free
(no registration needed)
- Expanded the queen breeder queen page so that you can manually enter the
queen lines, and also get full display of items there was cut down to 20
chars. Hints will now show full text.
- Made a full free 10 hives edition that will be supplied on a CD. It also
includes the pollen database and some more free software on the CD. Only 10€
for CD and handling + an extra update CD when major changes are done to the
- Added an integrated update component from Daniel Fiske South Africa
- Fixed the none queen breeding mode.
- Fixed the double-click on upper grid.
- You can now use boxes of frames together with the ability to use single
- Added a visualisation page for supers.
- You can now disable or enable the showing of tabs. On the entry of data
screen you will find a menu item, and on the queen/hive screen you will have
a popup menu (right click the mouse button)
- The queen is now also accessible from the data entry screen.
- The Palm software now can run on all Palm OS based devises. I have just
invested in the newest compiler, so that Palm OS version 5 and up is
supported too.
- Reintroduced the picture database for use as location information. Here
you can add a map to further locate your apiary position. This screen also
shows the introduced possibility for selection tabs to be shown.
the picture for full view.
data edit screen with super support:
New queen edit screen, where you can enter all relevant data for
the queen. The queen edit complies to the Swedish queen register. Where you see
an edit button you can edit the dropdown list.
The above queen edit is available from various parts of the
software. Either Directly from quick entry menu or from the data entry
screen. Select queen breeder mode to get this screen into action. In the
lower right corner You can see a little grid. The data here represent the last
four Years data for the queen and the average of the Apiary.
New designed Disease input screen, where items can be entered or
selected from dropdown lists. If you enter your own you will be asked if those
should be added to the lists.

The above gives the opportunity to select from a list or
add your own to the list. Just fill in the blanc field if that what you want is
not present.
A new grid facility added from which you can do a lot of
customizing of the grid such as exclude colums you have no interest in looking
at, and much more. To open this popup screen you just click in the upper left
corner of the grid.

If you Right click on the grid you will get a popup menu with
the most relevant functions

Down load of the updated Archive with this new
facilities :
date is 08-08-2004
 | Languages support updated. |
 | FALSE TRUE changed to Yes No in language
support |
 | All impotent maintain facilities are now
available in quick entry 11-05 |
 | Added the adding and removing Hive notes or
Hives to the Navigation bar. 11-05 |
 | Added the index calculation to the quick
entry. 11-05 |
 | New BDE due to a new Compiler also
supporting win98/win2000/Xp |
 | Beekeeping Establishment Accounting |
 | New Filter and Search facilities |
 | Popup menu with most facilities at mouse
cursor. Right click on mouse. |